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my soul fire

Aloha! Nice you are here! My name is Alexandra Nayla Staeheli and it is my joy and passion to accompany people in transitional situations and to support them on their way to freedom: Freedom from old or ancient stories, from unconscious beliefs and disabling behavior patterns. I got to know the Akashic Reading as a valuable tool that makes it possible to recognize and dissolve blockages or hindering energies that  are now weighing down our path in life. 


About me

For as long as I can remember I've wondered what the meaning of life is; why we are here and whether everything is really meant as it is. Couldn't life be a bit easier, wilder, freer, more sparkling, more magical - and yes! - be more loving? At first, however, I didn't give these inner questions any space, instead I adapted for many years to everything that seemed so rigid and lifeless in my environment. Because I had learned that the world this is how the world works and everything is just normal and fine the way it is. So I played my role as the perfect wife, girlfriend, worker, without knowing that it even matters, I was always reliable, responsible and always open to the desires of others around me. Until, after separating from my partner at the time, I fell into a deep life crisis with a Male and all the questions about the meaning of my existence  came back and rained down on me like hailstones. My whole existence sank into itself, I was left with nothing. And this view into the abyss was one of the great gifts I received in my life. Because life has not only brought the important questions back to me, but also the first, initially timid answers to them. They came in the form of a "chance" encounter with a wise woman who could read my soul, treated me energetically and who confirmed to me what I had carried around with me as an encapsulated but inaccessible knowledge: that there was still other powers were in this universe and that among them the strongest, all healing and transforming power is love. I found new hope and new confidence, I felt the first Arrived home once - and that was my first step towards awakening. Further steps followed, and miraculously there were always people around me, loving earth angels, who led the way through my tunnel times with their light and inspired me to shine my own soul light even on cloudy days permit.

I am also very happy to accompany you on your way to the new, wherever you are in this moment, what moves you and what you wish for your future. The Akashic Reading can be a possible tool for you to find out where the journey should go.


Akashic Records

With theAkashic RecordsA peculiar story connects me: For several years during the Christmas season during the rough nights I have repeatedly read different versions of the "book of life" dreamed. As a lover of languages and books, I found this very beautiful and poetic at first - I had never heard of the Akashic Records before. However, my last dream to date had touched me so much that I began to delve deeper into it to deal with the book of life. In my dream I saw a huge, floating and very bright, golden glowing book, which was so radiant that I had to close my eyes immediately; a Voice told me that this was the book of life that I could read - but I had to close my eyes, I could only read it with my heart because it was too bright for the eyes. And that's how I finally ended up in Anita Schenk's Akashic Reading training (according to Gabrielle Orr). I have already been able to accompany many people with a heartfelt look into the book of their lives, and it touches me every time anew to experience this immeasurable love, humility and grace that flows through us with every connection with the Akashic Records.


I originally came from academia, but left it to follow my soul's call. I have done various trainings in the last few years, among others in the areas: hypnotherapy, Akasha reading (according to G. Orr and Kryon), quantum angel healing (according to E. Mora), shamanism ( after C. Fenn), Divine Openings (after L. Jones). And Christina Maria Leilani Grubenmann's wonderful "Seelenquelle" accompaniment encouraged me to use all these tools in a magical way.


If you want to free yourself  from old stories and rewrite your future, if you want to create more space for this whispering voice in you, it is both a pleasure and a calling for me to accompany you.


With deep gratitude and love


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