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​About the Akashic Records 

Every being that has ever walked this earth has a repository of all of their thoughts, deeds and consciousnesses that they have left in their existences on this planet. The Akashic Records must therefore be understood as an immeasurable repository of all energies that have shaped this earth at any time and are shaping it at the moment. The picture in the book actually falls short, rather you have to imagine this memory as a gigantic hologram that is composed of the holograms of each individual soul. 

As we walk this earth, we carry with us this information about our past existences. Sometimes they spread into our current life, for example in the form of apparently unfounded fears, blockages, unconscious behavioral patterns and beliefs or also in the form of physical complaints. When we connect to the Akashic Records, we can get to the bottom of these phenomena and resolve them energetically. In return, however, we can also bring the experiences of wholeness and oneness that we have ever had on this earth into our present and thus shape our future. 

During a reading or coaching, we deactivate the blocking energies together in one or more sessions and also activate those energies from the archive of all your biographies that now positively support your path. I accompany you energetically.

When I open the connection to a client's Akashic during a reading or coaching session, only the information that the person's soul plan allows at that moment and that can be processed is made available to me and him/her.

Would you like to come into your creative power now and redesign your life?

I accompany you on the way to your freedom

Do you feel a blockage in your life that you want to solve? Is there a topic you want to look at and let go? Do you want to become freer and freer? In an Akasha coaching I accompany you 4 weeks on the way to your liberation. We read in your chronicle what is allowed to go right now and what is good for you now. You are literally writing the story of your life - and new. Because you are the creator of your biography.


Akashic coaching

Akasha Reading 

My offer for you

  • Akasha Coaching: I will accompany you  into your creative power for 4 weeks.

  • Akasha Reading: In a single session I read in your life book  and tell you what is important to you right now

  • Healing words for you: I receive strengthening words for you from your chronicle, which I send to you in the form of a text, a meditation or an invocation

  • The coaching and reading can take place live or via Zoom and Facebook video; In coaching you will also receive support via email or telephone

Do you want to change your life now? Write to me:

Akasha Chronik: Dienstleistungen
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